Heatherdowns Country Club


Country clubs originated in the early 1900s, started by British-descended American rich post-Civil War era (Gordon). Wealthy Americans had the desire to recreate the habits of British Aristocracy but lacked a space such as Britain’s The Country House--a space where Britain’s elite gathered and socialized. The American country club was designed to serve this purpose. These properties were, therefore, exclusive spaces that catered to rich, white men, and for decades excluded people on the basis of gender, race, and religion. 

While some country clubs have hung on to this antiquated idea of exclusivity, many others have modernized and opened their doors to the wider community--anyone who can afford the membership fee. One of these clubs is the Heatherdowns Country Club here in the Toledo area. Heatherdowns includes a full golf course with tournaments throughout the spring and summer. They also host important community events that are family friendly, such as birthday parties and weddings. The Heatherdowns Country Club is even a regular contributor to the Great Lakes Golf Today Show on YouTube. Country clubs have certainly changed since their founding, and the Heatherdowns Country Club property as lasted through these transitions.


Gordon, John Steele. “The Country Club | AMERICAN HERITAGE.” American Heritage, Oct. 1990, https://www.americanheritage.com/country-club. Accessed 1 May 2020.

Lawrence, Kelsey. “Why Won’t Millennials Join Country Clubs?” CityLab, 2 July 2018. www.citylab.com, https://www.citylab.com/life/2018/07/will-millennials-kill-the-country-club/563186/. Accessed 1 May 2020.